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بهارات و عطارة السعيد

Sandarac Gum صمغ السندروس

Sandarac Gum صمغ السندروس

سعر عادي 5.00 ₪ (شيكل)
سعر عادي سعر البيع 5.00 ₪ (شيكل)
خصم غير متوفر

Sandarac gum is a natural resin derived from the Sandarac tree, also known as Tetraclinis articulata. It is a small evergreen tree native to North Africa, particularly Morocco and Algeria. Sandarac gum has been used for various purposes throughout history, primarily for its aromatic and adhesive properties.

The gum is obtained by making incisions in the bark of the Sandarac tree, allowing the resin to exude and harden into small, yellowish granules or tears. It has a distinct, sweet, and balsamic fragrance that is often described as woody and resinous.

Sandarac gum has traditionally been used in perfumery as a fixative and fragrance enhancer. Its aromatic properties make it a valuable ingredient in creating unique and long-lasting scents. Additionally, it has been utilized in incense and spiritual rituals, adding a pleasant fragrance to sacred spaces.

تم استخدام السندروس تقليديا في صناعة العطور كمثبت ومحسن للرائحة. تجعل خصائصه العطرية مكونًا قيمًا في صنع روائح فريدة وطويلة الأمد. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، فقد تم استخدامه في البخور والطقوس الروحية ، مما أضاف رائحة لطيفة إلى الأماكن المقدسة.

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