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بهارات و عطارة السعيد

Radish Seeds radish seeds

Radish Seeds radish seeds

Regular price 5.00 ₪ (شيكل)
Regular price Sale price 5.00 ₪ (شيكل)
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Healing Properties of Radish Seeds. These oval-shaped, 3mm-long red-brown seeds are a good source of fatty acids, vitamins, especially vitamin C and folate, manganese, potassium, and many other minerals . They manifest disinfectant, diuretic, expectorant, and laxative qualities.

The medicinal properties of radish seeds. These oval-shaped, red-brown seeds, 3 mm long, are a good source of fatty acids and vitamins, especially vitamin C, folic acid, manganese, potassium and many other minerals. They exhibit antiseptic, diuretic, expectorant, and laxative properties.

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