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بهارات و عطارة السعيد

Nabulsi soap (3 pieces)Nabulsi soap

Nabulsi soap (3 pieces)Nabulsi soap

Regular price 12.00 ₪ (شيكل)
Regular price Sale price 12.00 ₪ (شيكل)
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Nabulsi soap, originating from the ancient city of Nablus in Palestine, is a renowned traditional soap with a history spanning centuries. It is crafted using a unique blend of olive oil, water, and an alkaline substance, typically derived from natural sources like wood ashes or the leaves of local plants. Nabulsi soap is distinguished by its mild, hypoallergenic nature, making it gentle on the skin. It is often aged for several months, during which it hardens and develops its characteristic off-white color and a distinct fragrance. This soap is treasured for its natural cleansing properties and the soothing, moisturizing effect it has on the skin. With its time-honored production methods and rich heritage, Nabulsi soap continues to be a symbol of Palestinian culture and a popular choice for those seeking gentle and chemical-free skincare solutions.

Nabulsi soap, originating from the ancient city of Nablus in Palestine, is a famous traditional soap whose history extends back several centuries. It is prepared using a unique mixture of olive oil, water and an alkali, usually using natural materials such as wood ash or leaves of local plants. Nabulsi soap is gentle and compatible with most skin types, making it suitable for daily use. It is often made by being aged for several months, during which it becomes firmer and develops its distinctive white color and distinct aroma. This soap is appreciated for its natural cleansing properties and its soothing and moisturizing effect on the skin. With its traditional production methods and rich heritage, Nabulsi soap continues to be a symbol of Palestinian culture and a popular choice among those looking for a gentle, chemical-free solution to skin care.

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