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بهارات و عطارة السعيد



Regular price 15.00 ₪ (شيكل)
Regular price Sale price 15.00 ₪ (شيكل)
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Mate is a traditional South American beverage that is prepared by steeping dried leaves of the yerba mate plant in hot water. It has a distinctive flavor that is earthy, herbaceous, and slightly bitter. Mate is often consumed as a social drink, shared among friends and family using a special gourd called a “mate” and a metal straw known as a “bombilla.” The drink is known for its energizing and invigorating properties, providing a caffeine boost similar to that of tea or coffee. Mate is not only enjoyed for its taste but also for the communal and cultural experience it offers.

Mate is a traditional South American drink prepared by steeping dried leaves of the yerba mate plant in hot water. It has a distinct earthy, grassy and slightly bitter flavour. Mate is often consumed as a social drink, shared among friends and family using a special gourd called a “mate” and a metal straw known as a “bombilla.” The drink is known for its invigorating and invigorating properties, providing a caffeine boost similar to that found in tea or coffee. Mati is enjoyed not only for its taste but also for the community and cultural experience it offers.

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