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بهارات و عطارة السعيد

Grape molasses 1000g Khalili grape molasses

Grape molasses 1000g Khalili grape molasses

Regular price 35.00 ₪ (شيكل)
Regular price Sale price 35.00 ₪ (شيكل)
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Grape molasses, also known as "grape syrup" or "petimezi" in some Mediterranean regions, is a thick, dark, and sweet syrup made from concentrated grape juice. It is created through a slow reduction process that intensifies the natural sugars in the grapes, resulting in a rich and complex flavor profile with hints of tartness. Grape molasses is a versatile ingredient used in various cuisines, both as a sweetener and a flavor enhancer. It can be drizzled over desserts, mixed into marinades, or even used as a glaze for meats. Its deep, fruity taste adds a delightful depth to a wide range of dishes, making it a popular and cherished condiment in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisine.

Grape molasses, also known as "grape syrup" or "bitemzi" in some areas of the Mediterranean, is a thick, dark, sweet syrup made from concentrated grape juice. It is made through a slow reduction process that condenses the grapes' natural sugars, resulting in a rich, complex flavor with hints of acidity. Grape molasses is a versatile ingredient used in various cuisines, whether as a sweetener or flavor enhancer. It can be sprinkled on desserts, mixed into marinades, or even used as a glaze for meat. Its deep, fruity taste adds delightful depth to a wide range of dishes, making it a popular and cherished condiment in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisine.
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