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بهارات و عطارة السعيد

Galingale Oil Saad oil

Galingale Oil Saad oil

Regular price 10.00 ₪ (شيكل)
Regular price Sale price 10.00 ₪ (شيكل)
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Galingale oil, also known as galangal oil, is an aromatic essential oil derived from the rhizomes of the galangal plant (Alpinia galanga). It carries a spicy, citrusy, and slightly earthy aroma. Galingale oil is used in traditional medicine and culinary applications. It is known for its potential digestive and anti-inflammatory properties and is often used to alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort. In the culinary world, galingale oil is prized for its unique flavor and is used in Southeast Asian cuisine to add a distinctive spicy and aromatic touch to dishes.

Oil, also known as galangal oil, is an aromatic essential oil derived from the roots of the galangal plant. It carries a spicy, citrusy and slightly earthy aroma. The oil is used in traditional medicine and culinary applications. It is known for its digestive and anti-inflammatory properties and is often used to relieve gastrointestinal discomfort. In the culinary world, the oil is highly valued for its unique flavor and is used in Southeast Asian cuisine to add a distinct touch of spice and aroma to dishes.

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