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بهارات و عطارة السعيد

Chinese Pine Nuts

Chinese Pine Nuts

Regular price 15.00 ₪ (شيكل)
Regular price Sale price 15.00 ₪ (شيكل)
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Chinese pine nuts are small, elongated nuts that come from the cones of certain pine tree species native to China. These flavorful nuts have a delicate and buttery taste, with a slightly sweet and resinous aroma. Chinese pine nuts are often enjoyed as a snack or incorporated into various dishes, including stir-fries, rice dishes, salads, and baked goods. They offer a pleasant crunch and a unique flavor that adds depth and richness to recipes. Chinese pine nuts are prized for their versatility and are widely used in traditional Chinese cuisine and beyond, providing a delightful nutty experience in every bite.

Chinese pine nuts are small, oblong nuts that come from the cones of some pine tree species native to China. These delicious nuts have a delicate and buttery taste, with a slightly sweet and resinous aroma. Chinese pine nuts are often enjoyed as a snack or incorporated into various dishes, including stir-fries, rice dishes, salads, and baked goods. They provide a pleasant crunch and unique flavor that add depth and richness to recipes. Chinese pine nuts are highly prized for their versatility and are widely used in traditional Chinese cuisine and beyond, providing a delicious nutty experience in every bite.

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